Thursday, December 2, 2010


Last night, while I was tossing and turning trying to sleep, I started thinking about how blessed I am. I prayed and thanked God for the many blessings in my life. I pray all the time but never to the extent that I did last night. I think maybe I should do this more often. I saw a post about a 22 year old girl with a 4 month old that passed away. This weighed heavy on my heart. I complain to my family ALL the time but do I ever tell them how I really feel. So I wanted to write it out....

I am blessed with a wonderful husband who is my best friend. Joseph loves me no matter what. I know that I can be a little much sometimes and he has stuck by me through it all. I have done things to hurt him on purpose. Why would I do such a thing? I guess we all do. I honestly love him more than words. I hope to grow VERY old with him. He is the best father to my kids that I could've asked for.

I am blessed with a son, Zeke, who is a sweet, caring and loving child. I know everyone thinks their children are great. Zeke would give you the shirt off his back to help (literally). He has a heart of gold and I pray that he grows up the same as he is today. Of course he has his moments but they aren't what I thought they would be. My goal is to start telling him how I feel everyday.

I am blessed with this perfect little angel, Karlee. After all Joseph and I have been through, who would've guessed God would give me such a perfect child? I would do everything over again to have this outcome.

And of course, the usual. I am blessed to have a great job, a wonderful family that loves me unconditionally, great, dependable friends, and food on my table. There are many things I could list but you would get tired of reading it.

Now the hard part is for me to read this everyday and stop complaining about the little things. To live life to the fullest and be there for my children. Life is short and we are not promised tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. AND, you have the bestest big sisters in the whole world, DUH! How could you leave that out??? ;-)



About Me

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Meridian, MS, United States
Joe and I have been married since June 24, 2000. We have a wonderful son, Zeke, and a beautiul daughter, Karlee. We also have Charlie, who is like our kid. We love each other more than life.